Creativity is fun and good for you
Yes, it’s true, creativity is fun and good for you. So, let’s get into why this is true. The fun bit, you probably all appreciate because it’s rewarding to make something yourself. You learn new skills and feel good about yourself. This rush of self-esteem is added to by the fun and companionship of meeting new people who are also having fun.
Creativity creates a high.
The ‘Creativity High’ is contagious. As we get creative, we release feel-good hormones or endorphins as the scientists call them. This week, I witnessed the phenomenon myself. A group of women and two adventurous males attended my Inspired Postcards Workshop at the library. They had a lot of fun, chatted, made new friends and each took home a lovely postcard to remember the time. I had a great t to the fun time they had at the workshop. As the coordinator, I will also feel a buzz of happiness when I think of the fun, we had together making something special and attractive. So, this is the ‘good for you’ part of creativity. And there’s even more to come.
Creativity exercises your brain.
Making things uses your imagination and uses your mind so this is good for you. As you plan and troubleshoot your way through a task, your brain synapses across its network of wires and this is stimulating for the brain. Creativity uses a different part of the brain to normal activities. Just like physical exercise keeps your body in shape, mental exercise keeps your brain in shape.
Especially as we age, this is important to ward off dementia and boredom. But really, at any age, creativity is good. It helps with depression, boredom, loneliness, all the issues of modern life that plague even young people. Learning pottery, art, writing, sewing could be the start of a new hobby and hobbies are good for you. Most are affordable and enjoyable and if you meet with others, they are social outlets as well.
Creativity makes you happy.
Hobbies give you a reason to spring out of bed in the morning, use your imagination, plan projects, solve puzzles when your project does not go to plan and best of all hobbies can make you happy.
The only downside to this burst of creativity is that you may have more stuff. But we won’t panic because with a little planning and imagination this stuff can be accommodated. You can either keep it yourself, if you get rid of other stuff, or you can donate it, sell it at a market or even gift it.
Share your creativity!
But share it around, don’t gift it to all your family at every birthday or Christmas because odds on they don’t quite appreciate your style of craft as much as you do. Cross stitch or pottery is not everyone’s cup of tea. Each to their own hobby or pastime. Don’t force your stuff, your taste or idea of fun on others. We are all different and enjoy the world and all its pleasures differently.

With a little research on Google or by making a few enquiries you can find a workshop near you. There are neighbourhood centres, CWA groups, women’s groups, TAFE colleges and libraries everywhere. Lots of courses and workshops are free or at a small cost.
There are courses and workshops for men too, like the men’s shed where they can combine trade or hobby skills to fix or make stuff. Retired men especially need to be kept busy and out of your hair. It stops them ageing and requiring you to be their carer. now that’s a great incentive.
So, haul yourself and your man out of the armchair and off to a creativity hub somewhere near you. Afterwards you can share coffee or a drink with your newfound friends. It’s a lovely day out. Creativity is fun and good for you!
Photo Source: Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash
Joni Scott is an Australian author with three published novels: Whispers through Time and The Last Hotel and Colour Comes to Tangles. Joni also co-hosts a women’s blog; and has her own website;